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Foster girlfriend

Am I ever going to be your girlfriend?

The one you have boat rolling date in Central Park,

The one you take pictures of in Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve,

No, because I am just a foster girlfriend.

Am I ever going to be your girlfriend?

Even though you stayed till 3 a.m. talking to me,

Even though you played guitar for me in bed with the morning rain,

No, because I am just a foster girlfriend.

We talk, we kiss, we have a good time until you are ready for a real one.

A year of free subscription and when you are done just one click, I am gone.

No more email alerts, no more text messages, no questions asked.

Foster girlfriends cuddle ourselves to sleep,

wondering why her and not me,

thinking I won’t fuck on the first date anymore,

having unrealistic expectations that tomorrow we will be held exclusively.

“You and only you baby.”

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